The Fine Cheese Co. is a maturer, wholesaler, retailer and exporter of artisan British cheeses, crackers and biscuit, most of which are unpasteurized and all of which are traditionally made. Artisan Biscuits is their sister company artisan means ‘made with skill and care from quality ingredients’. Miller’s Toasts are made by a long standing family bakery in the Derbyshire Peak District, a national park, with a history spanning more than 100 years. For Decades they have been using the same bronze rollers and biscuit-molding method. The team’s most cherished tools are over 80 years old and are still used to this day and every single cracker and biscuit is still made by hand, using only the finest ingredients. The butter they use is churned in England, clotted cream comes from the West country, the flour for biscuits is milled without any additives and they only buy British toffee from the experts. Artisan want the finest flavours for baking, so they only use butter, non-hydrogenated oil or extra virgin olive oil in the making of every cracker or biscuit. After experiencing, harvesting and then transforming nature, the Miller’s craft has been perfected. These thin, crispy slices of toast are the Miller’s masterpieces and contain fruits, seeds and honey in every bite. Made with all the goodness of the Miller’s table without artificial additives or preservatives. Miller’s Toast Plum & Date Crackers are ultra-crispy crackers made with dried plums and dates baked twice like biscotti and made with dried fruits, nuts and healthy seeds, honey and 100% extra virgin olive oil. By the time a biscuit or cracker reaches you, it will have been checked and given the thumbs up by 20 different bakery staff. Miller’s Toast Plum & Date Crackers are hand baked toasts with chewy chunks of sweet fruit that compliment cheese perfectly. Good with soft cheeses, pates and dips. Ideal to go with brie cheese, perfect with blue cheese, or simply for a natural snack. This box contains approximately 20 Plum & Date crackers.
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