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Chenab Chia Seeds


0.830.95 /gm

  • Chia seeds contain large amounts of fiber and omega-3 fatty acids, plenty of high-quality protein, and several essential minerals and antioxidants.
  • Consuming chia seeds water in morning can give a boost to your digestion and improve bowel movement. A healthy digestion is an essential prerequisite to weight loss.
  • Chia Seeds should be stored in the fridge to extend their life and to prevent their volatile oils from becoming rancid or from oxidizing.
  • Chenab Chia Seeds are Great addition to smoothies, granola bars, with milk or water.
  • Chia Seeds are Low in calories and cholesterol. In the grand scheme of things, chia seeds are usually consumed for health rather than for flavor.

Country Of Origin: India

Chenab strives to enrich the flavour of life by bring you high quality ingredients from around the world. Consider us your ally in making the best of global cuisine or if you feel like experimenting with traditional recipes. Experience a new range of products with chenab. Cheanb brought to you chia seeds which is an excellent source of fiber. Chia seeds are tiny black seeds from the plant Salvia hispanica, Chia seed is Native to Mexico and Guatemala, they were a staple food for the ancient Aztecs and Mayans. In fact, “chia” is the ancient Mayan word for “strength”. Our Chia seeds are cultivated in India, sourced from small farmer organizations and as fresh as possible. Chia seeds are oval and gray with black and white spots, having a diameter around 2 millimetres (0.08 in). The seeds are hydrophilic, absorbing up to 12 times their weight in liquid when soaked and developing a mucilaginous coating that gives chia-based foods and beverages a distinctive gel texture. They’re a great source of omega-3 fatty acids. Chia seeds are also flavorless, making them easy to add to many foods and recipes. Chia seeds are 40% fiber by weight, making them one of the best sources of fiber in the world , chia seeds may definitely help promote weight loss. Chia seeds contain a decent amount of protein. By weight, they’re about 14% protein, which is very high compared to most plants. Chia seeds really are an excellent protein source especially for people who eat little or no animal products. They can be soaked and added to porridge, made into pudding, used in baked goods, or simply sprinkled on top of salads or yogurt and because of their ability to absorb liquid and form a gel, they can also be used to thicken sauces or as an egg replacement.

Ways to use Chenab Chia Seeds :

1) Soak Chia seeds in water for 25-30 mins before eating.

2) Include them in your juices, shakes, yogurt, cereal & smoothies.

3) Sprinkle chia seeds on top of a salad.

4) Just add a dash of chia seeds to your diet and experience an amazing change in the way your body feels!

Repacked & Distributed by: Chenab Impex Pvt Ltd. J1-A, Ansa Industrial Estate, Saki Vihar Road Sakinaka, Andheri(E), Mumbai 400072 INDIA.


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chenab-chia-seeds-100g Chenab Chia Seeds

0.830.95 /gm

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